Sunday, August 21, 2005


Blokes and Babies

Further to my last post, I'd like to mention a book I've been reading the past couple of days. Published too late to cover the whole pregnancy and childbirth experience, Blokes and Babies provides a much needed male perspective on this whole breeding thing. As an "enlightened drone" (see the book's glossary) I was most entertained to find a lot of my XY observations were not unique.

If you're a guy and you're going to have kids, get it.

(Man, I should be asking for royalties here...)

Does it discuss techniques of man handling the stupid collection jar to catch all the good stuff?

Cause frankly it wasn't wide enough...

(PS Like my pic?)
Collection jar? I know not of what you speak... perhaps I could subscribe to your newsletter?

(PS Pic is cool - I think I commented on it somewhere on your Blog)
Yes you commented on mine. Comment good.

Hope it's not offensive.

At any rate, can I borrow the book when I start down that road? Sounds neato
Sure can, dude. I just finished reading it, as a matter of fact. It's probably a lot more light relief on the subject than serious how-to, but even that helps.
What? How to ha ha the woo hoo?
Could I possibly borrow the book when you're done? I want to find out the arcane secrets of the opposite sex!
What?! No way, sorry Cass - the foreward very clearly states that the book is strictly "Mens Business" and should not, under any circumstances, be discussed with girls. At all.

(Not to mention it is currently with Fads and I believe Mikey also has dibs.)
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