Tuesday, August 09, 2005


So, this is a Blog...

Well, here I am.

Not much to look at, really. I would have expected the decor to be a little more alluring. Oh well... unaccustomed to Blogging as I am, this may well be the only thing I ever post, we'll just have to see. I mainly ended up here with a blog because a friend of mine was posting stuff as well, and I wanted to be able to leave rude comments on his blog.

I have to do a couple of compulsory nerdy things now:
  1. This is a numbered list
  2. This is Bold
  3. This is Underlined Italics

Yup. I'm officially excited. Better not tarry too long, this is work time after all!

Greetings tentacled one. I am interesting in melding with you to make spawn. Too long we have lain under the sea while the man apes shape the very earth, and pollute our salty deep waters with their filth.

Let us rise up and tear off their faces with our squidly bits. Then we shall rule together as king and king. All hail Cthulhu

Fnki gur solat solat bing blater.

PS Can I borrow your drill? My cyclopedian book shelf is listing. Curse Ikea ! They shall be first to be consumed by the swarm !
*gasp* I wouldn't blog at work! *shifty look*
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