Friday, November 18, 2005


More ID

I realise I'm probably just contributing to the already bloated servers out there that are awash with arguments, counter-arguments and misinformation about Intelligent Design versus Evolution. As you all already know, my opinion is that science should be the winner, which looks at how things happen, not necessarily the cosmic why of things. This is better left to religion, which is where ID should go too.

But then I was reading Scott Adams' blog, and he had two separate entries on ID. This led me to a bunch of other hilarious links, including one on the ever-reliable Wikipedia. I think I'm now a fundamentalist supporter of Intelligent Falling as well as being a priest of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

May you be touched by his noodly appendage.

I love the 'touched by his noodly appendage' picture, it's a classic.

This bit cracked me up:

In August 2005, in response to a challenge from a reader, Boing Boing announced a $250,000 challenge, payable to any individual who can produce empirical evidence proving that Jesus is not the son of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
LOL - I hadn't heard about the award.

I have the The Truth is Out There pic on my wall at work - just like Maulder.

If he was shorter, balder, fatter, more ugly, Australian, married, and with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Always makin' it about me...
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