Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Purple Guy

So this is Purple Guy (PG).

The wife had a fancy dress party for her 28th birthday, decided the theme would be comics and superheroes. Not content to go as a superhero that actually already existed, I created PG - a sort of generic superheroesque dude that would have been right at home auditioning for the Mystery Men.

Not sure what, if any, his powers are, nor any details like a motto or sidekick. I do know he speaks with a loud, confident superhero voice, though, and talks often about 'smiting evil' and 'stopping evildoers'.

That's it. I think I still have the costume out in the shed somewhere (for special occasions...)
I just love the fact that the "purple Guy" logo is the sensor classification symbol for "Parental Guidance"
he he

Except he looks sort of blue on this monitor... O_o
I guess similiar superheros could include amethyst, bluish red, heliotrope, lavender, lilac, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, perse, plum, pomegranate, reddish blue, violaceous, violet, or wine guy.

Noice suit man. Hope to see it live one day :)
...they're all members of "The Aubergine Squad"...
I think the sash idea should have been replaced with undies. Purple satin undies-on-the-outside. Definitely.
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